Mono Monday Buildings

Mono Monday Buildings

Its Monday so I am sharing a few Mono edits today, focusing on a few buildings around New bedford

Starting with a shot of the Rotch Jones Duff house Museum, taken from in the gardens by the Museum, in the foreground is a rose garden

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Sony A7iv 16mm F8 1/200 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

This house was built by Richard Upjohn in the Greek Revival architectural style for William Rotch Jr. in 1834.

The names Rotch Jones and Duff are three families who were all closely tied to the city's nineteenth-century dominance of the whaling industry, its quite an interesting museum and I have done a couple of posts on the Museum itself previously.

I am in a bit of a funk with motivation at the moment, a mix of the Winter blues/cabin fever since I haven't got out much other than to the supermarket, pharmacy or picking up and dropping off the grandkids, plus over the last few weeks I have heard of the passing of many friends, colleagues and family members, all of this has worn me down a bit, I want to get out for a walk but the temps have bene below freezing mostly and the odd day it goes above freezing it has been raining, keeping me indoors.
I have got out a couple of times for a short walk layered up and felt I was handling the cold well, but then I think from breathing in the cold air, I have been feeling chesty, is that even the right way to say it, congested perhaps would be a better way of saying it.
Even since i had the misfortune of catching TB back in 2007 I find I feel the cold more and if I go out in it for to long I end up getting congested, so as much as I hate being sensible I have to be and stick to what I have done previous years and if the temp is down near to freezing, stay indoors for the most part.

I do have some ideas for photo projects to do in the house, but my Mojo had got up and GO GO gone somewhere else, but today I need to give myself a kick and get motivated and do something creative.
So lets move on from those thoughts, I am fine, just needed to put it down as words as a kind of therapy to get myself in the mindset to get creative in the house and come up with some new photos and get inspired :)

New Bedford has a Historic district with some stylish old buildings such as this one which I think is the custom House

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Sony A7iv 24mm F8 1/200 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

This building is I believe a Library now, I haven't been in there yet, most of my walks downtown have been early morning when nothing is open

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Sony A7iv 24mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And next up the Our Lady of Guadalupe parish church, a very grand building, I haven't found out when it was built but I would imagines many many years ago

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Sony A7iii 28mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And finishing of with a short of Fort Rodman in Fort Taber Park

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Sony A7iii 51mm F8 4 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!pinmapple 41.631022 lat -70.928994 long Rotch Jones Duff house New Bedford MA d3scr

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