Knowles reserve, details

Knowles reserve, details

This post is a follow on from my Wednesday Walk post yesterday, along the same trails in the Knowles reserve, yesterday I mainly focused on the trails since it was my walk post, today I will focus on some details that caught my eye beside the trails

Starting with the greenery both plants and moss on and beside these rocks near a little stream

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Sony A7iv 24mm F8 1/60 Sec ISO 1000
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Such beautiful greens all around this rock wall, a lot of the trails have rock walls in this area, they are in various conditions so me fallen and decayed and some still standing strong, not sure why but I do love seeing these rock walls, perhaps I feel its looking back in time when everything was so much simpler.

Sure technology does make things easier in a lot of ways, easier to find your way around with a GPS, not needing to look at Maps, can search anything even while walking along a trail, which I did on this walk, I wasn't sure which way I should turn when I came to an intersection on the trail, google maps came to the rescue to let me know which way I should turn to be heading back to where I had parked the car.
But then again, did doing that take away a bit from a sense of adventure just going with your gut instinct and seeing where you end up.
generally when walking a trail I wont look at my phone, it takes away from the feeling of being away from it all, but I was running short on time and had to get out and on my way home the quickest possible way.

Does technology make life better these days?

What do you think?

For me I would say yes initially, being able to keep in contact with family and friends so much easier than back in the day when there was no internet and phone calls weren't so cheap.
Having so much info at ones fingertips is of course handy, and I am searching every few days looking for new trails and sights around the area to explore.

But then on the other side, I see the younger generation who almost have a meltdown being somewhere with no internet, the information available is a double edge sword, sure a google search is easier than going to the library to find books and do research, but with the growth of social media platforms there is not only so much information but also so much disinformation, and I see so many who just read articles, or perhaps more correctly read the headline of an article that seems to agree with what they would like to believe and share it and in some cases not realizing the article actually contradicts the headline.

So I think used well technology can be great, but I feel so many have come so reliant on it, I feel some things have been fading away in generations younger than me, the sense of adventure of exploring with no idea what one will see, common sense to work out how to do something by yourself without researching step by step instructions, again especially in the younger generation these days, no interest in playing outdoors as we did as kids, would rather stay inside and be on a computer or mobile device

OK enough of that back to the trail

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Sony A7iv 58mm F8 1/60 Sec ISO 400
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On this trail I came across the remains of some building, I think it may have been a barn from looking at the trail map but not 100% sure

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Sony A7iv 28mm F8 1/100 Sec ISO 100
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and the remains from another angle

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Sony A7iv 24mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 100
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A dandelion waiting for the wind to spread its seeds all around

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Sony A7iv 240mm F8 1/100 Sec ISO 100
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And the ferns, which I love seeing I know this next shot isnt great but for some reason I really like it

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Sony A7iv 240mm F8 1/60 Sec ISO 640
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and the end of another rock wall

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Sony A7iv 33mm F8 1/60 Sec ISO 500
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and some more of the ferns so green and lush

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Sony A7iv 59mm F8 1/60 Sec ISO 320
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now this I didnt expect to come across on the trail, and old abandoned car,

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Sony A7iv 32mm F8 1/60 Sec ISO 320
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And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!pinmapple 41.582403 lat -70.952522 long Knowles reserve Dartmouth MA d3scr

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