fall colors at the Acushnet Sawmill

fall colors at the Acushnet Sawmill

Good morning wishing you all a good day

the last couple of years I have not had a lot of luck with catching fall colors, but recently i have had some luck seeing and photographing some lovely warm fall colors

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Sony A7iv 28mm F8 1/2125 Sec ISO 320
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One morning i had bene out for a sunrise walk, when I got a call from our son that he needed a loan of something and I offered to drop it off to him at his work, after I had done that I realized I was quite close to the Acushnet Sawmill and decided to swing by there and check out how the colors were and i must say I was glad I did the colors were gorgeous and I will say I feel even nicer than my photographs show.

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Sony A7iv 48mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 500
Click here to view larger

Forecasters had predicted muted colors this year, but Mother Nature does not listen to the forecasters, and the colors were so warm and beautiful

The reds and oranges especially really were popping, and i love them even more with the nice reflections.
The skies were a little moody but I kind of like that it contrasts with the lovely fall colors

You may not notice a couple of swans in the water

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Sony A7iv 30mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 400
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I wasn't there to long as I wanted to make sure I was back home before my wife woke up, but did walk to a few spots in the Park, blown away by the lovely warm colors

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Sony A7iv 29mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 320
Click here to view larger

this is on a little lookout they have by the pond in the park

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Sony A7iv 46mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 400
Click here to view larger

I did catch some nice colors a couple of days later in another spot and will share those soon

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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