Early morning at the port

Early morning at the port

Good Morning, afternoon, Evening or night depending on when you visit here :)

For today I am sharing a few shots from walks around the port

Even thoough I havent been out on fishing boats commerical or pleasure craft very much I do enjoy walks around ports and Marinas especially inthe early morning when it is nice and quiet.

These shots are not from recent visits there, but as I have visited there so many times over the year I have oplenty still to edit and share, these photos are then from variousd visits to the port and hence the different light and colors in the sky through these photos


Sony A7iv 21mm F11 4 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

In fact As I am preparing this post I am also editing more photos from another visit to the port, and you may ask how can I be editing photos and writing a post at the same time.

For many of my early morning photos I get a good mix of the lights and darks I take three photos at different exposures, one to catch the darks, one to catch the lights and one mid way bettween, I use a piece of software ot merge these thrtee shots together, but it take sits time to merge them, so as it is merging I am typing, then I select the next set, merge and type again :)


Sony A7iv 25mm F11 5 Sec ISO 100
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and one other thing I love about the early morning is that I can take long exposures which gives a nice soft and sometimes mirrow like feel to the water


Sony A7iv 17mm F14 1.3 Sec ISO 100
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Some nice subtle colors in the sky behind the Osprey


Sony A7iv 28mm F11 0.6 Sec ISO 100
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The Hotate Ship on the left was for sale at this time


Sony A7iv 17mm F10 1/2 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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