For Those Bloody Days

One of my favorite times of the year.

Kill time.

I feel it has arrived a bit earlier than last year. Perhaps the entire world including nature is becoming more impatient, tired of waiting for things to mature, to ripen, before declaring they are ready. But, if you want to get to where you want to go, you are going to have to go and get your hands dirty.


Or bloody.


We have two cherry trees, and while the mature one that bore so much fruit last year had close to zero, the baby one in the front yard was filled with sweet (considering they are a sour variety) cherries. Today, in the sunshine, we plucked them off the tree and I spent about an hour and a half pitting them. I don't know if there is an easier way, but this way is at least gruesome.


Using a small paring knife, I sliced each at the point they were attached to the stem and then squeezed the pit out into a bowl, dumping the flesh into another larger bowl. I must have pitted about 1000 of them, after giving some whole ones away to the neighbors, as we will never eat them all.

I love cherry pie, but not that much of it.

Oh, and the paring knife was sharp and despite the look of blood, I didn't cut myself as I had expected. I bought a sharpening iron a few weeks back that was on sale for 6€ - best 6€ I have ever spent. Not only are my knives sharp, but I look like a professional when I sharpen them.

It is all looks.


I like the photos of the cherry pitting process, and you will likely see one or two of these pop up on particularly red days on the market. You know, those 30% drop days?

I have had the feeling that there is something like that coming. It might not be a 30-percenter, but maybe a 15. I might be wrong though, because I have also been looking at some significant upward movement on the horizon, so hopefully my feeling is wrong and instead the move up takes place instead.


Life on the edge of blood.


Holding crypto often feels like living on the knife edge between glory and misery, with so much of it teetering on the brink more of than not, all for that rush, that high from well, the highs. And then, after that period, it is back to triage, stemming the flow of blood and nursing wounds.


But, if you play the cards right (I never have), there will be enough flesh left over to put into the lows, fill the bags, sprinkle with some sugar and freeze, ready for when the bull comes back and it is time to have some cake, and eat it too.


Hopefully you enjoyed some Sunday, Bloody Sunday photography tonight. No cherry pie was made, nut hopefully my wife will tend to her wifely duties and make one soon enough. Perhaps I will put her pie recipe into a post, as it is simple and tasty, and works with almost any fruit.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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