Women are creatures that have been ordained by the Creator as intermediaries for the birth of humans on this earth. Women are given the advantage of being able to conceive, give birth, nurture human candidates and educate them.
The task of mothers, is indeed a task that is not light. Allah SWT has determined the heavy nature of women, but sometimes Adam does not want to understand.

Physically and spiritually, women are prepared to have the ability. Women as mothers are the most important educators for humans. The ideal mother is not only able to conceive, but a mother must be qualified.Their children are not sufficiently guaranteed for their physical needs, but their spiritual needs are also more important. At home, who has the most time for children? Who has more influence over children? Who is closer to the children? None other than their mothers.

A mother is someone whose presence is always expected for her children. A mother can make her children to be good people just as a mother can make her children to be bad people.
The goodness or badness of a child can be influenced by the good or bad of a mother who is a role model for her children.
Therein lies the role of women as mothers, quite heavy demanding a sense of responsibility that is not light.

Success or failure of the ideal generation is in the hands of women. It is not an exaggeration if the Messenger of Allah Shallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam gives respect to mothers, as in the Hadith of the History of Imam Ahmad, that Rasulullah SAW said: "Paradise is under the feet of mothers. Some steps a mother needs to take in educating her children:

1. Encouragement of a Responsible.
Mother If a woman (mother) has prayed five times, fasted in the month of Ramadan, maintained her honor (her chastity) and is obedient to her husband, then she will enter heaven."

2. Educate their children starting when they are still in the womb.
According to Islamic teachings, the true essence of life is from the age of 120 days in the womb. How to educate children in the womb? Namely with the main behavior, obedient to Allah, sincere and read a lot of the Qur'an. It is better for pregnant women to avoid sin, lowly and worthless morals. The prayer that should be said at any time is as Allah says in the Qur'an in Surah Ibrahim Verse 40, which means: "O Allah, make me and my children and grandchildren those who continue to establish prayer, O Allah, grant my prayer. ."

3. Educating Good Manners So Children Have Noble Morals.
When the child is born, it must be given a more concrete education,Remembering that all humans experience childhood, where the role of the mother is very decisive. It is not excessive if the good and bad of a child depends on both parents, because the mother is the closest.

4. Mothers are obliged to educate faith.
Islam teaches that every birth is still in a state of fitrah. A human child, originally inclined to faith and Islam.
Someone who becomes not inclined to Islam is the result of misinformation as well as primary mistakes on the part of his mother and father. This is also in accordance with the words of Rasulullah SAW which is explained in the Hadith of the History of Bukhari Muslim, which means: From Abi Hurairah ra said the Prophet SAW, said: "No one is born except according to his nature, so his parents make him a Jew, Christian or Zoroastrian just as animals are born perfect." If from an early age mothers are prepared as ideal mothers, then human beings with personality and piety can be realized.

The condition for the blessing and prosperity of a nation is the character of a nation that is responsible and has a pious spirit. A wise mother is able to create conditions for a peaceful household that is harmonious and loved by her children. Their sons and daughters are reluctant to leave the house unless there is a need, for example to work, study and so on. Leaving the house without a task is uninteresting to him.

Family welfare programs can be realized and are a key part of community welfare, as the words of the Prophet Muhammad explained in the Hadith of the Dailami History, that the Prophet said, The four factors of one's happiness, are if a person:
a). Have a shalihah wife.
b). Have good children.
c). Have the association of good people (pious).
d). Have a source of livelihood in their own country.

So heavy is the role of a woman as a mother. However, if the role is carried out solely to gain the pleasure of Allah SWT, God willing, it will be carried out with various facilities with the help of Allah SWT.
Therefore, be happy, O women, because it is you who have been entrusted with a noble task by the Creator, that from your fertile womb the next generation of sons and daughters will be born.

Therefore it becomes an obligation, not only to educate him merely with an abundance of material and necessities of life alone. But the most important thing is to bless them, your children with good morals, manners, faith and piety

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