Know what "Kanyadaan" is


This is a Hindi word that has a very big meaning.
The ones who start learning this meaning and sink it in, know how worthfull this is.
To have a better view and explanation read below at the second photo.

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This bride is Nisha from Guyana. THe picture is taken in her room with my standard style of using curtains as BG.
The problem with Indian brides is the room where they do they make up are small and messy. So that's why I use such BG's.

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Now here is the real deal!
You can see the hands of the bride and groom holding each other.
At their hands you can see flowers and leaves. From above there is a gold glass from which water is falling on the flowers.

While this is happening the Pandit (priest) chants lots of mantra's.
This proces is known as KANYADAAN!

What does it really mean?
Kanya = Girl
Daan = donate
Kanyadaan is Gifting your girl (daughter) to the groom. This is the marriage proces. For Kanyadaan it's so that the girl has to be virgin and she is then gifted to her groom. From there on it's his responsiblity to make sure the girl has a good life.
Before that it was the parents who were taking care, now it's the grooms turn to take that responsibilty!

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They had a look while their marraige was happening...

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The bride being escorted to the place...
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And a couple photo...

Hope you now know about KANYADAAN.. If you have questions leave it below!

With love,
Prasant Djewan

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