Iraisha & Akash Unbelievable Wedding

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Unbelievable!!! The first thing you would ask is why 'unbelievable'?

Well hello friends,

Welcome back to my article and i would like to thank you all for taking your time to stope by at this article which you would not believe. Yes Iraisha and Akash's wedding was truly unbelievable. Why am i saying that? It's the first time in my career that i saw something like this happening.

Mostly i see that when for example a Muslim girl weds an Indian boy they do it the legal way by just signing on papers. We call it governement wedding. Adn after that they do it in the boy manner. Maybe by doing a little prayer or so.

But this wedding was truly different, because they did it in every way possible. THey did the Niqaah, the governement wedding and Hindu way of marriage. That's because the boy has Hindu religion and the girl is a mix of Christian and Muslim. So they just had their party in every single possible way....

Today i'll be posting some photos of their Niqaah!

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Their first dance after the Niqaah!

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Bride Iraisha Shaiyana with her flowers.

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The groom Akash singing for his wife...

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Exchange of some gifts for the family...
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The mother of the girl with some gifts. Gold necklace
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I hope your journey through this unbelievable wedding was great.
Follow me for more....

With love,
Prasant Djewan

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