Sublime and Beautiful for Sundays Post - by Sunscape


I can hardly believe that November is here already. Can summer come back for a few days at least? I am really missing all the flowers in the gardens offering so much color and beauty.

Also, I am wondering how all the Monarch butterflies I released are doing. I know it is a long way for them to travel south to warmer weather.


Today, I just wanted to bring a little bit of color into your day with some of the flower photos I took over the summer.


This large bumblebee is working really hard to get at the pollen inside this Salvia flower.


The daisies were stunning in the butterfly garden this year and they always remind me of my youth. Have any of you ever pulled the petals one at a time from the flower saying, he loves me, he loves me not? Funny how some memories are brought to mind just by seeing a particular flower.

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This week there is one single daisy that is blooming all by itself. The gardens are empty of all their beautiful petals and now have been covered in fallen leaves.

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As you can see we have had our first sleet and snowfall for the season. I fondly remember the days of summer and the colorful flowers on this #sublimesunday inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday by @ace108.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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