#wednesdaywalk with Cora

Bladder flower

Welcome to my #wednesdaywalk (hosted by @tattoodjay) with Cora. She will come later. First a flower 🙂 #alwaysaflower


These pretty bladder campion are very common in Vermont along the roads.


I'm gonna lead with my best photos 😊 this lovely farmhouse is where Cora lives.


This cool wooden fence is along one of the edges of the grass pasture in front of the farmhouse.

Paved road

Ok back to the walk, we first walked down the road to Cora's house.


Cora is a one year old standard poodle. Her owners are out of town so we are helping out by walking her twice a day.

Gravel road down the hill

We took this gravel road up the hill past Cora's house.


Cora is a very smart but somewhat strong willed puppy.

Lesson time

Part of our walks are short lessons for Cora 😉

Fence in morning light

I took another shot of this fun old fence on the way by.

Road to the light

The field was in the light but the wooded part of our walk was still shaded.

Path less traveled

The main road used to continue this way but now curves off toward town. The tree rows are still evident on both sides of the old road.

Tree lined path

I think the tree rows were originally maple but now there are birch and walnuts mixed in.

Walnut trees

The squirrels love these old walnut trees.


We took this road further into the woods.

Road through forest

Have you ever seen so many pictures of roads in one post 😅 Well it is a #wednesdaywalk post. We logged about 4 miles on this walk. Part of our help with Cora is tiring her out so she behaves a little better 🙄


I leave you with my favorite forest photo. Sometimes you just have to stop and appreciate the beauty of nature. Have a great day 👍

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