Friends and flowers

Iris with dew

We moved to Vermont a few years ago. We are ex-pats from California and frankly there are just too many of us out there living in states where no one wants us lol Vermont can be a pretty closed community with many folks that have lived here for many generations. But we have been blessed with a wonderful relationship with one of our neighbors.


Our neighbor shares our love of nature and have been welcoming - showing us around their state. In fact, they split there iris last year and gave us these lovely iris.

Pink Lady Slipper

They have also started sharing some local Vermont treasures. Like a secret spot near the lake where pink lady slippers grow.

In Situ

Pink lady slippers grow in nature and don't cultivate well so finding them is special.

Tricolor Trilium

A beautiful tricolor trilium was also growing nearby. Trilium are another wildflower that is almost exclusively in nature.


Our walks are heavenly lately. Everything has greened up but the heat and bugs aren't here yet. Great time of the year to be in Vermont 🙂

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