Foggy Thanksgiving

Cabin on opposite shore

Got out for an early pre-Turkey walk this morning. Well I guess the turkey is already in the oven so its a pre-meal walk. The cabin across the lake is on a little rise up above the shore. It always looks nice in reflections.

The point

The reflections here are always good in the morning. We usually eat around noon. When I was growing up in the mid-West, we always ate early before the Cowboys were on TV.

Low clouds

The low clouds are totally obscuring the Green Mountains across the lake. I remember moving to Minnesota and having Thanksgiving with the in-laws for the first time. They ate in the middle of the afternoon! Interferred with football. I was aghast.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone 🦃🦃🦃

PS for the football fan out there, the Cowboys played the Vikings that year. Randy Moss had touchdown catches of 51, 56 and 56 yards! I didn't see any of them 🤦

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