A Little Piece of Italy on the Table / Gastronomic Photography

It is said that Venezuela makes the best Italian pizza, as well as the best Chinese fried rice, among other dishes, but that will be a topic for another occasion.

Se dice que en Venezuela se hace la mejor pizza italiana hahaha, asi como el mejor arroz chino y entre otras comidas, pero eso sera un tema para otra ocación.

Hello beautiful #photographylovers community, it's a pleasure to greet you again.

Hola hermosa comunidad de#photographylovers , un gusto saludarlos nuevamente.

On this occasion, I went to a restaurant called "BIGA50". Let's say that the owner has very good taste and has traveled enough to Italy to know how to prepare an excellent pizza recipe.

En esta oportunidad me dirigí a un restaurante llamado "BIGA50", digamos que el dueño tiene muy buen gusto y ha viajado lo suficiente a italia como para saber preparar una excelente receta de pizza.

. . . As soon as I arrived, he asked me to photograph the process of cleaning and preparing the tomatoes, with a little salt and oregano, and then taking them to the oven to dehydrate them.

A penas llegué me pidío que fotografiara el proceso de limpieza y preparación de los tomates, con un poquito de sal, oregano y los llevan al horno para desidratarlos.

Then, after a few minutes, we moved on to the pizzas, and I was really surprised. The place is quite simple, but that's where you realize that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

The first pizza was a bit gourmet, with burrata cheese and prosciutto, a complete delight. The combination of flavors gave it a perfect balance.

Luego al cabo de unos minutos pasamos a las pizzas y realmente me sorprendio, el local es bastante sencillo pero alli es donde te das cuenta que no debes juzgar un libro por su tapa.

La primera era algo un poco gourmet, llevaba queso burrata y prosciutto, una delicia completamente, la combinacion de sabores le daba un balance perfecto.

The second pizza was a complete delight, a combination of fresh tomatoes, pesto, and a homemade dough that was too rich and fluffy.

La segunda era una completa delicia, una combinacion de tomates frescos, pesto y una masa hecha en casa demasiado rica y esponjosa.

I'll be honest, I don't usually try the food I photograph, but on this occasion, I couldn't resist, and it was the best decision I could have made.

Les seré sincero, normalmente no suelo probar los alimentos a los que les hago fotografias, pero en esta ocacion no me pude resistir y fue la mejor decision que pude haber tomado.

The purpose of these posts is to show you a little bit of my work, to give you photography ideas if you're in a creative block, and also to provoke you.

Estos post tienen como proposito, mostrarte un poco de mi trabajo, darte ideas de fotografias si te quedaste en un bloqueo creativo y tambien para provocarte.

Today is a good day to eat pizza, are you in? I'm reading your comments, thanks for reading.

Hoy es un buen dia para comernos una pizza, te anotas ? los leo, gracias por leer.

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