Backyard portraits

These photos go back a long way, they were taken in 2015 in the backyard of the house I was living in at the time. I honestly don't know why I haven't posted them here before, because I really think there are some beautiful portraits in this photo shoot.

In fact, on this day I took advantage of model Letícia Soto's availability and took many, many photos with different outfits and in different settings. Most of these images were used for my own photography work. These portraits ended up being sent only to the model, but today I looked at them fondly and thought they deserved to be here.

I think Letícia has a vibe that inspired me to take photographs that are not too obvious. At least, I don't think they are. I like the way we work with shapes, her body in "weird" and purposeful poses and I was happy with the result of the editing, which gave it a final vintage (to match the clothes) and special touch.

I hope you enjoy it ❤️

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