Early Morning Osprey Fog shot's #117

Good Morning Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, what I got here for you all today are some morning fog shot's of this Osprey I took at my local lake, the first time actually shooting in the fog as well. As I take a break from my 2023 cross country trip, due to me going thru some more of my photo's for editing, I must interrupt and do some more birding shot's because I got plenty of those finished. As you can tell from my previous posts the Osprey are one of the hottest tickets in town at my lake. On average their is about five to ten or more photographers at the lake on a daily basis. This lake or should I say these seven lakes are a hot spot for birding in my city, as well as the state. I have so many Osprey shot's to show off, for I keep practicing every time I go out on catching it with the dive and exit, with a fish or without depending if they caught it or not. The dive is the hardest part to get, I always miss it but I will always keep trying to get that shot of the talons going into the water at the right angle. Well here are some of my favorite shot's of the Osprey in the fog, the first one is when it dove towards the water but stopped right before, for the fish was gone from it and then it flew right up into this cool tree that is leafless. The second shot, is when I was watching one fly around right when I got there with way to much fog to do anything but the Sun was rising in this Osprey's direction, and I noticed this one just chilling there. Love this and these shot's a lot. As for the third shot, so cool right when the Osprey landed on this tree and you can actually see some bark break off due to its weight, so cool and such a blast this day for being my first fog moment in photography. I'm sure I will get another chance to get fog shot's in, matter a fact I am going out right now, due to the fact today is a trout fish stock day, so their shall be some White Pelican action and Osprey in lakes four and five, so I am excited and ready. Anyways, thanks for stopping by my blog and post again, really do appreciate you all, love the comments and just for you all to take the time to check out my work. Thank you, have a blessed day.

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Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.


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