The beauty of a backyard

📷Hello My Friends📷

Backyard landscape, clouds, buildings and lots of green!

Today I visited my aunt, with my family (wife and children). I took the opportunity to photograph this beautiful sunny day and these two landscapes, which are in the backyard of her house.

The essence of this photograph showed a little of everything we can find in a city: houses, buildings, trees and clouds (yes, many clouds 😁). I considered that all these points are part of our daily lives and often we don't even notice, so many things and elements that exist around us.
Here I wanted to show a little more of the green. My aunt's house next door has a large, green area. Obviously there's no way I can get in there to take some nice pictures, so I took it over the wall.

Always good to show the green areas of a city. I believe all of them must have a lot of these elements, for the good of the planet and ourselves, so that it's not just cement and concrete. Here, of course, it is a green inside a house, but the feeling is valid for several other points.

Whenever possible, charge authorities or people you know for more green areas. This is good for everyone, prevents global warming and improves air quality, not to mention the beauty that all these elements bring to a city.

The photos were taken from a Motorola Moto G8.
If you want to know my work better, follow my last three posts:
My end-of-season rewards and expectations for the future
Clouds loaded, rain guaranteed!
With focus challenges are achievable!
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