📷 Hvítserkur: Dragon or Elephant?

Hvítserkur is a rock (sea stack) of an unusual, fantasy shape on the northern coast of Iceland, off the eastern coast of the Vatnsnes peninsula, a fairly well-known and photogenic landmark, very recognizable. 15 meters high, big enough to make a very strong impression when viewed not only from above, from the high bank, but when walking right along the sand near it at low tide.

Basalt eventually gives in to the power of waves, and the rock could suffer the fate of many beautiful rocks, which eventually collapsed under the influence of water, but Icelanders take care of their nature and natural attractions, so they strengthen the foundation of the rock with concrete. However, I'm not sure that Hvítserkur will be able to completely avoid the fate of such natural sculptures, and if gradually the whole foundation is replaced with concrete, then it will already be a miracle not of nature, but of human hands, right?

Near the rock, like many Icelandic attractions, there is a small convenient parking, from where you can walk 300 meters to the observation point on the high bank overlooking the cliff. Not far from there there is a small hostel and a cafe, despite the fact that some real settlement is quite far away. But what I liked about Iceland is the real availability of accommodation for travelers even in the most secluded and remote from settlements places.

But the main question that I would like to ask you today is this: what does Hvítserkur remind you more — an elephant or a dragon? :) Let me explain a little: when I was looking for information about interesting places before the trip and when I was already there next to the rock, I definitely saw in it only a drinking elephant leaning towards the water. But then I saw that in some sources it is often called a rock in the form of a dragon. Hmm ... but I don't see a dragon at all, only an elephant, peculiar, of course, but nevertheless. And you? :)

It's better to watch the photos in high resolution.

Exposure time: 40 sec
Aperture: F 8
Sensitivity: ISO 64
Focal length: 17 mm
35 mm equivalent: 34 mm

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