πŸ“· Colors of the Mountains - Orange and Ocher

Mountains are often represented as something white and gray. But of course they come in all colors. Today I have a small selection of mountains, rocks and hills, where the main colors are orange and ocher.

Whether bright and vibrant or calm and muted, these colors give me the feeling of a hot day in the desert, the edge of the world.

But here, as everywhere else, grass and shrubs grow, animals graze, people live, although perhaps there are only a few of them per unit area. And it’s very good β€” when you can drive and walk among these red rocks, hills and mountains without being in a crowd :)

Well, these warm shades of orange and ocher remind me of the gentle warmth of the sun and, in my opinion, noticeably soften the severity of the mountainous landscape. In general, such views always cheer me up. Hope you like them too!

All the photos here were taken in Kyrgyzstan, a rather mountainous country with varied, colorful landscapes. Hope to make a few more selections of different colors of mountains in the future and share them with you.

It's better to watch photos in high resolution.

Camera: OLYMPUS E-M1 Mark II

You can also see my photos in my blog LJ and in my profile on RTraveler. You also can read a short interview with me here.

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