The first holy communion of my little cousin

It was a beautiful week. My son came from Zagreb for a break from college because he had a week off and managed to finish most of his exams, so he came home to relax a bit. After a week, we all went back to Zagreb for my cousin's Holy Communion, and along the way, I drove my son back to Zagreb, turning it into a short road trip. From my house to Zagreb, it's 327 kilometers, so with one stop on the highway for coffee and sandwiches, we lost a bit of time and arrived in Zagreb in 3 and a half hours.

It was lovely at the restaurant we went to, called Pyrus. I was proud because my younger son wore pants he doesn't like at all because he always wears sweatpants, but he and his older brother coordinated nicely and wore the same shirts.

Around the restaurant, there's plenty of greenery and outdoor bar tables for adults if the weather is nice, so we can sit outside after the meal, relax with drinks, and have a little chat, and of course, for those who smoke, so they don't disturb people inside the restaurant. Luckily, it was a beautiful sunny day, so between each meal, us men went outside to chat a bit and toast to my cousin's health.

There were two cakes, one from my cousin and one from the cousin's relative because they decided to celebrate together, which also saved some money since we were together in the restaurant but at separate tables. There was a guest list on each table, so it was nice, everyone knew who was sitting with whom, and of course, I sat with my wife, cousin, cousin, his sister, and her husband, a real team.

My cousin made small desserts in two combinations; I chose the one with forest fruits, and it was delicious, refreshing.

For the main course, we had veal cooked under the bell with homemade potatoes and salad, and I can say I've rarely eaten meat sweeter; it was so tender and juicy.

When everything was over, the only thing I regretted was that we couldn't stay overnight in Zagreb because my wife had to work in the morning, so we left at 1 in the morning and arrived home already at 3:20 because there was no traffic, and we didn't stop once. Also, the double espresso I had before the trip helped to wake me up a bit 😄😄. My wife managed to get some sleep and arrived at work at least a little rested.

This week we're hitting the road again for another trip. My younger son, who trains in karate, has a competition in Split again, the Dalmatian Championship, and I hope for good results as always.

Keep your fingers crossed for him too, and hopefully, if God willing, he'll win gold, but if not, at least silver 😊.

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