More Icy Donner Lake Photos

Yesterday's sunrise shoot was fairly productive, even thought the sunrise didn't end up being as colorful as forecasted. The pre-dawn photos were looking great, there was a bit of warmth to the clouds, and I thought I was in for a real treat. Oh well, can't win them all... It was still a very nice morning out at the lake by myself, I and ended up with some new photos for the website, so I'll call it a "win".

Here's the keeper pre-dawn photo below. It was shot on the Canon 5DS R with a 24-105mm lens, set at 28mm. The ISO was 800, the lens aperture was f/4.5, and it was a 30 second exposure. A tripod and a graduated neutral density filter were used. Even though there wasn't a lot of sunrise colors, I do like how the color that did exist reflected nicely on the ice.


This photo below is not going to be my next best seller... But I wanted to show how a little bit of wind changed things quickly at this spot. The ice started to break up while I was there. The sound of the ice cracking was incredible! I shot some video footage but I did not have my quality microphone and deadcat with me so the wind noise sounded horrible and you can't really hear the ice noises in the clips. Bummer!


Fortunately, I did take a little video of the ice along the shoreline before it got windy. The water and ice cracking noises were pretty cool, just not as cool as when the wind started pushing the ice around.

After packing up the gear, I headed home, or that was the plan anyway. At the other end of the lake, I noticed that it was looking even more frozen over. So I pulled over and shot a few more photos. The ice was actually looking nicer here in my opinion, but way too thin to walk out on. No ice fishing here...


Thanks for looking and I hope you are all having a great day!

Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography


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