Another Beautiful Icy Day At Donner Lake!

It was cold this morning... Very cold. And it had snowed pretty much all day yesterday. So what was on my mind? Ice!!! And cross-country skiing!


I waited until after lunch to get out there in hopes that it would warm up a touch. It did. It was about 22°F when I headed out. I was incredibly excited as it was my first day back on the cross-country skis since last winter. I also tossed the camera in my backpack, just in case I saw anything "cool".

I did see something very cool! The shallow water in the area below had frozen overnight, and frost had built up on it. It was a great look and as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to capture it.


These were both shot with the Canon 5DS R and a 24-105mm lens. They were also both handheld shots, no tripod or lens filters.


I was loving the look and feeling creative, so I decided to get a little video too.

Here's a couple more cell phone photos to show you the shoreline a bit more. They aren't for printing big like the photos above, but it gives a nice "behind the scenes" look.



Yup! A happy photographer once again! A good afternoon on the skis, and some good keeper photos as well.

Thanks for looking, and I hope you all had a great day too!

Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography


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