Indoors or outdoors

Hey guys.

I have a quick question for you all. The title must have made it clear for you. I am asking about whether you want to stay indoors or outdoors? What is it that you enjoy more.

I am more of an outdoor guy. I cannot stay indoors for more than 5-6 hours. I take photos both indoors and outdoors, but we get to explore nature more clearly when we are going outside of our closed rooms.

Tell me about yourself. What is it that you enjoy more. The sunshine or a closed room where you can enjoy Netflix with your partner.

I have shared photos from both sides of the world. The leaves represent the nature that I just wrote about and the closed rooms show the beauty and peace that we experience indoors. Both can be cozy and comfy, it is a very subjective question.

Gracias for reading my blog. Don't forget to answer my question and tell me about the pictures too. See you in my next blog.
I use my Samsung Galaxy S22 to take pictures.

Samsung Galaxy S22indoor & outdoor
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