Hola a toda la comunidad de hive, hoy les vine a mostrar un poco de las fotografías que tomé el día de ayer acá en las costas del caribe, ayer me fui un rato a la playa a disfrutar con unas amigas y la pasamos de maravilla.


Estuvimos un rato en la orilla,hablando y disfrutando del paisaje, cuando repentinamente el cielo se comenzó tornar en diversas tonalidades rojizas, quedamos encantadas y no,nos perdimos la oportunidad de tomar unas cuantas fotos, ellas se metieron en su papel de modelos y yo su fotógrafa, formamos un excelente equipo y acá nuestros resultados...



Bueno para empezar intentamos que fueran a contra luz, que no se vieran sus rostros en las fotos, por lo tanto le daban la espalda al sol para crear contra luz y que salieran sus siluetas , luego buscábamos una pose adecuada ...pero que el sol no perdiera su participación, luego entre al mar con el equipo fotográfico, tomé unas cuantas de las que más me gustaron fueron éstas...


Al final antes de irnos un surfista nos comentó que los atardeceres en esta época del año era indescriptible, entonces decidimos quedarnos a ver un rato esa bella obra de arte natural con esos tonos en su máximo esplendor y como tal la fotografía final de lo bello que fue, bueno amigos gracias,y se que en algún momento van a tener la oportunidad de visitar éstas costas mágicas.


Hello to all the hive community, today I came to show you some of the photographs that I took yesterday here on the Caribbean coast, yesterday I went to the beach for a while to enjoy with some friends and we had a wonderful time


We were on the shore for a while, talking, eating, and enjoying the landscape, when suddenly the sky began to turn into various reddish tones, we were delighted and we did not miss the opportunity to take a few photos, they got into their role as models and I your photographer, we make an excellent team and here are our results...



Well, to begin with, we tried to make them go against the light, so that their faces would not be seen in the photos, so they turned their backs to the sun to create against the light and that their silhouettes would come out, then we looked for a suitable pose... but that the sun did not lose its participation, then I went into the sea with the photographic equipment, I took a few of the ones that I liked the most were these.



At the end, before leaving, a surfer told us that the sunsets at this time of year were indescribable, so we decided to stay for a while to see that beautiful work of natural art with those tones in their maximum splendor and as such the final photograph of how beautiful it was. It was, well friends, thank you, and I know that at some point you will have the opportunity to visit these magical shores.

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