A stroll around the Campus of Enschede's University

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

Hey all!

Bear with me, but this post is full of photographs of the Campus of the University of Twente.

Enschede has grown into a popular city in the Netherlands. With the city border close to Germany, many Germans come to do their shopping on Saturday in this city. There are also plenty of students and ex-pats that study here at the University of Twente or Saxion. The University's campus is a great area to study. It has lots of surrounding nature, housing for the students, and plenty of facilities to go to. I used to go and study here when I was studying for sports, so I kind of knew most of the area. When I had to run a marathon just to pass my exams, I simply quit and started doing something else. Something I enjoyed much more.

Going back to the campus

It took me years to come back to the campus. I had a meeting with someone who was going to write my texts on my website. I was pretty excited about it, but it didn't turn out to be a match for my business, the style just wasn't 'me'. After the meeting, I went ahead and decided to take a stroll on the campus and get some memories. I realized I never took the time to enjoy the campus while I was going to school. Before you might think I'm a smartass, which I am, of course, I didn't go to the University, but there were classes on campus that I had to attend. So, unfortunately, I didn't get a Bachelor's or Masters's degree or something else. However, I did score 45 out of 50 during my finals (Summa cum Laude).

In the photographs below, you'll get an idea of how big the campus is. And this isn't even everything. I think I photographed a little bit less than 50% of the campus as I recall correctly. I sure have a lot of memories going here. Even though the campus was closed and there were zero students to see, there were a lot of bikes still there. Perhaps they are from the teachers and staff that still had to work. I just decided to see what doors were open so I could photograph just a little bit. Not that many doors were open though... but I did manage to get into one of the gym halls. Oh, man... Cooper Test time! Also, on one of the fields outside.. they just reach out and tell me to be there at 8.30 AM sharp to do some running. This was awesome during the Summer, but during the Winter it was just torture. Haha. Gotta love it though! I had a great time nonetheless.

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

The demolished building

The above building has been demolished. Even though I do not know why it is most probably because it is partially built on top of the water and would eventually become unsafe. This concrete-looking building has been one of the most unique buildings on the campus, and with a lot of regrets, they decided to demolish it. I never had classes here, so I never had the chance to take a look inside.

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

Surrounded by nature

I loved cycling through this area after getting college hours. All the Seasons were different, yet still pretty cool to see in a pretty crowded city. I bet the students who live on the campus love it as well.

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

Constantly in development

If you look closely, this building was either being renovated or being built. I just love the lines in this shot.

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

"Het torentje van Drienerlo", very much religious science

"Het Torentje van Drienerlo" is an piece of art created by Wim. T. Schepers. The little tower illustrates a sunken church. It symbolizes the dogma of religion when it comes to scientific research, hence the location of the University of Twente (Science & Technology Faculty), which is quite genius if you'd ask me. Oh, I love the contrast of that thought.

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

Couldn't wait to get tf out of here

I've seen so many Sunsets here. And look at it now... so peaceful. I was so lucky to see that one person walking there. I remember that I couldn't wait to get out of here. Imagine, exercising for an entire day. Ya, waking up to 8 hours of sports, every single day. Lucky me. Now I barely move around.

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

The climbing wall

This building must be the coolest on campus, hands down. Look at that climbing wall. That wasn't there when I took classes there! That looks pretty cool and it's pretty tall. I wonder if people ever used it, and fell off... whoops.

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

© Ruben Cress - University of Twente

Changed scenery

After my photo session on the beautiful campus, a lot has changed, so I should go back someday to take new photographs. A lot of construction has been going on, and one of the most unique buildings on the campus is now demolished. I'm not entirely sure if they already replaced it, so should check it out soon.


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