Sugarcane crops

Hi photography lovers community! welcome to my blog.Today I discuss about sugarcane crop. Sugarcane is very essential crop for human beings and animals. It is growing all over the world. In Pakistan big landlord farmers grow large acre in their own lands. It's preparation period is very simple. Water is given in the every end of month.Fertilizer is very necessary for its. Four time fertilizer putted in first whole year. This crop full riped till in one year.Then after cutting their stems they sale in sugarcane mills. They earn a lot of money.

People fondly eating stem of sugarcane

Now sugarcane crop have been ripped. In our country growth rate of this crop is high as compared to other crops. It's cutting season started from December to January. When we go anywhere we see labour mens who working in sugarcane crop fields. Somewhere mens cutting and loading it's. People who working here they face very difficulty challenges. The reason is that fogy weather have been beginning. Fog continues till the end of day. So they also disturb by facing cold winter. But they earn a lot of money in these two months period. Villagers also came here to cutting leaves of sugarcane for their own animals.

Loading process

Now you can see how people are loading. There are already made bundle of sugarcane stems. Approximately 10 to 15 stems are required for bundles. There is tough work to load. But labours people do it easily.They arrange very skillfully way. They add bundles one by one in rows form. Nearly the weight of all load is 50 tons. When loader move their speed becomes slow. Finally loader reached their destination meaning intered sugarcane factory. Factory owner welcome them and first he weight all load and gave money after calculating load weight.


Dear sugarcane is very useful not only for all of us but also for animals. Large amount of sugar is made from sugarcane.Recently the price of sugar is reached in high level.when any things grow in limited range then their value is increased. When any things grow in unlimited range then their value is decreased. So when we sugarcane grow in unlimited areaa then sugar is available in low price.

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