Unfriendly Bedfellows

If you follow my page you know food in my house never goes to waste. Any leftovers are left out for the birds and other wildlife.

Rocky the raccoon and Peppi the skunk stop by each evening. If I see one of them I will leave out cat food. Peppi likes the food with soft centers while Rocky likes anything.

What is unusual about the other night is they came at the same time.

Peppi appeared first and when Rocky showed up I saw Peppi make a dash at him but Rocky stood his ground. I was afraid Peppi might spray him.

Peppi has a powerful weapon with the terrible foul smell he can emit if threatened. I see he has his tail ready to lift it and let a spray go to keep Rocky away but he seems okay with sharing.

Skunks are valued for getting rid of rodents and other pests. They are mammals in the family Mephitidae. They are known for their ability to spray a liquid with a strong, unpleasant scent from their anal glands. Different species of skunk vary in appearance from black-and-white to brown, cream or ginger colored, but all have warning coloration. Source

Although the masked bandit can be mischievous he also gets rid of rodents and insects. They are also part of the ecosystem by eating wild berries and fruit and distributing the seeds .

Rocky cleaned out a hornets nest that was in the ground near our front deck. Hubby and I didn’t know how we were going to get rid of it but he took care of it quietly one night. I don’t know if he got stung while digging them out but it was a relief to see the nest and hornets gone.

Raccoons will feast on dead animals and are known as cleanup crews.

Skunks can be kept indoors as pets much like a cat and usually their scent gland is removed. I think this is illegal in some countries.

I think I will leave Peppi outdoors to his own devices. He comes when I call him and is not threatened by me so I don’t worry about being sprayed with any foul smelling liquid from him.

All photos are mine own and photographed by me.

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