I am an animals photo-lover / Soy un amante de la fotografía de animales

I love animals very much, especially dogs. I love taking pictures of them but it's not always easy because they move around a lot. But pretty as they are any picture are looking very good with them . Recently I saw such a charming pitbull dog. he was with his master and I asked him if I could take a picture and replied that there were no problems. I always ask before taking a photo of an animal when it is accompanied by its master, because once I was walking and saw a handsome Saint-Bernard with his master so I took the photo and his master suddenly asked me not to not take a picture of his dog and delete the photo. I can understand that there are people, that love their animal is like their child, and I wouldn't like a stranger to take pictures of my child. In addition when we ask the person often she tells us a little about their dog and especially how he loves their animal


Amo mucho a los animales, especialmente a los perros. Me encanta tomarles fotos, pero no siempre es fácil porque se mueven mucho. Pero bonitas como son cualquier foto quedan muy bien con ellas. Recientemente vi un perro pitbull tan encantador. el estaba con su amo y le pregunte si le podia tomar una foto y le respondi que no habia problemas. Siempre pregunto antes de tomar una foto de un animal cuando va acompañado de su amo, porque una vez estaba caminando y vi a un hermoso San Bernardo con su amo, así que tomé la foto y su amo de repente me pidió que no tomara una foto de su perro y borrar la foto. Puedo entender que hay gente, que quieres su animal como su hijo, y no me gustaría que un extraño le tomara fotos a mi hijo. Además, cuando le preguntamos a la persona, a menudo nos cuenta un poco sobre su perro y, sobre todo, cómo ama a su animal.




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