A Frozen River.

Hello Hive community.

I hope you all are fine. I am also fine here. In today's post, I am sharing beautiful photographs of natural scenes with you here. In today's natural scenes, we have presented to you beautiful photographs of beautiful high mountains and the river between them. The frozen river seen in this photograph is named Zanskar River. The name of this valley is also famous as Zanskar Valley from the name of this river. Zanskar Valley is located in Chilling district of Leh state of India. Even then I have presented many photographs of this valley here before you. In this photograph, due to the light of the sun falling on the edge of the mountain, these mountains are also shining beautifully.

In the distance, a calm river can be seen flowing between the high and rugged mountains. So this river is not as calm as it takes calm. The banks of this river are frozen with ice but the water flowing in between is very cold. The banks of the once meandering river are now frozen with a thick layer of snow and ice. The mountains around Zanskar river stand high. The peaks of these mountains touch the sky.

In the photo above you can see the beauty of Zanskar Valley and my friends walking on Zanskar river. The Zanskar River that passes through the mountains is usually full of flowing water. The Zanskar river dances and sings as it flows through rocks and boulders. But now the flow of the river slows down in the bitter cold of winter. Due to the cold, the surface of the river bank turns into ice. And the snow covers it like a soft white blanket.

The mountains surrounding the river are strong and majestic. They appear to touch the sky. And the tops of these mountains are often covered with clouds. In today's photographs, the sky is very clear. So the blue sky and mountains look amazing. These mountains have stood for millions of years. Monitors the ground below. In winter these mountains wear a coat of snow which makes them more majestic and peaceful.

Zanskar River flows through the mountains. It also has an area where the light of the Sun does not reach. The ice never melts in this area of ​​the river. Due to lack of heat from the sun, this area is covered with frost for twelve months. Because of this, walking on the ice level has a different thrill. In some places, as the sun rises, its light reflects off snow and ice. The ice on the river makes this layer shine. But due to the absence of direct sunlight, the air remains cold. Due to which there are no signs of snow melting.

The photograph above captures the beautiful mountain peaks. The peaks of these mountains are looking beautiful in the background of the blue sky. Along with that, in the second photograph, the light is falling on the top of the mountain due to which the top of the mountain is also shining. I have presented to you here the photographs that are not visible above showing the beauty of the mountain. Before I made today's post, I had made a post based on Zanskar Valley. In which I have given detailed information on how to cook here. And I have also told what precautions to be taken while visiting Zanskar Valley.

Here I have share some information about beautiful Zanskar Valley with photographs. This place is really beautiful and worth visiting at least once.

I hope that you will like my post and photographs.

I sincerely thank you for visiting and reading my post.

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