Sun Rise Photography Series #19: Now You See Me Now You Don't


I really feel like it has been a long time since my last Sun Rise Photography Series but there is a good reason for that. I have been trying to go back to fitness recently and after doing workouts plus all my daily activities my body feels so tired. I feel like I'm punishing myself recently but I really want to just stay fit. And thanks to my workout routine I haven't really been able to wake up quite early enough to catch my dearest sun rise few almost 2 weeks. Yesterday I decided to just to go sleep early around 7PM and luckily I woke up at 4AM today yay. My body feels a little bit tired and sore but it's manageable so I was finally able to watch and take photos once again of my beloved sun shine 😍

Twilight Shots


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @22mm, ISO 200, 1/10, f/2.8

I really am quite lucky today. It's been a long time and the twilight is giving me a pretty welcome back scene to take a shot of


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @22mm, ISO 200, 1/5, f/2.8

A perfect blend between the twilight rays, the clouds and the blue sky.


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @56mm, ISO 200, 1/8, f/4.1

The moon today doesn't want the sun to have all the spotlight for my photoshoot and wanted to be a photo-bomber but that is fine.


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @1200mm, ISO 200, 1/2, f/5.9

There you go moon, I got one for you so don't be sad. I'm happy your here 😁. I also have some love for you too but taking good pictures of the night sky with you is really impossible for my partner right now. Hopefully I can get better equipment in the future to have your Moonlight Photography Series 😎

While looking around, I saw these group of teenagers having their early morning jog and having fun in our local wharf. Apparently they were also waiting for the sun rise and took photos of the sun. Basically they are like my Sun Brothers. They also took a look at my photos of the sun and was amazed by it. Maybe I should try to recruit these guys to join Hive eh? They might be better bloggers than me 😂


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @22mm, ISO 80, 1/80, f/2.8


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @22mm, ISO 80, 1/2, f/4.8

I just love moments like these where the color of the sky shifts from reddish to orange yellowish. I took both these pictures around 5:38 AM which is amazing as it only took below 1 minute to change it's color. Really beautiful when you see it with your own eyes.

Sun Rise Shots: Now You See Me

Usually I would zoom in during these times and take a time-lapse photos with the sun rising but I feel like the whole scene today looked really beautiful to waste it on a time-lapse. But in reality I screwed up my time-lapse settings that's why I didn't 🤣, but hey at least it turned out great 😂. Enjoy the scenery that the sun have blessed us today.


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @84mm, ISO 80, 1/160, f/4.5


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @39mm, ISO 80, 1/200, f/3.6


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @56mm, ISO 80, 1/400, f/3.9


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @50mm, ISO 80, 1/1000, f/3.9

Now You Don't

Okay so basically you can still see the Sun, but it's gonna hide soon so yeah "Now You Don't" 😆


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @162mm, ISO 80, 1/1000, f/8.0


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @588mm, ISO 80, 1/2000, f/8.0


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @112mm, ISO 80, 1/800, f/7.1

And there you have it, almost entirely gone. But the process in getting there is quite lovely and beautiful isn't it?

Closing Remarks


Panasonic Lumix DC FZ80 @604mm, ISO 200, 1/15, f/5.6

Is it just me or is the Sun Rise today quite beautiful? Look even the Hermit Crabs want to join in the Sun Seeing 😁 *Pun Intended*. I mean it maybe it's because I have not seen the sun rise in two weeks that I feel like the sun rise today is beautiful. I just miss it so much that I may have over-appreciated it today. Just like how a simple noodle or bread taste so much tastier when you haven't eaten anything for 3 whole days. I have personally experience that kind of living way way way back then so I know from experience lol

Well it doesn't really matter, what matters is how one view it since beauty is subjective. To each to our own I guess. Hopefully some of you guys appreciate it just like I do. So thank you for reading my humble blog and see yah next time 😎

NOTE: All Photos/Images used in this blog was taken by and owned by me. You can use these photos however you like but please put a backlink to this post right here and a backlink of my profile here on hive. Thank you and Have a Great Day Everyone!

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