Hello, family of photography lovers!
Last Saturday began the VI edition of the Photo Safari that we convened from our Casa de la Cultura Comunitaria. With the leadership of my colleague Mendiola, Visual Arts Instructor. This was my first experience as part of the organizing team. I took the task of documenting with images, the different scenarios and actions that would take place during the two days of the Safari. Here I share with you the images taken during Saturday in the coastal community of Playa Baracoa, in the Cuban province of Artemisa.

At about 9:00 a.m., the time chosen to start the Safari, my colleague Mendiola made the presentation of the event. About 20 photographers from other municipalities of Artemisa and Havana arrived. Some of them are professionally dedicated to photography, most of them are amateur photographers or photography students. The essence of the event was to capture in images the essence of Playa Baracoa, a coastal town bathed by the waves of the Caribbean Sea...

We then began the pilgrimage, along the street next to the coast, which would take us to different places and environments, with the intention that participants would have the opportunity to capture with their lenses the richness of life that characterizes Playa Baracoa.

Many of the houses in front of the sea are destroyed by the saltpeter, resembling old buildings among which we ventured looking for those interesting visuals for a photo....

The Caribbean Sea peeked its waves behind the houses on the right side of the street...and looking in their patios we could see the beauty of the sea horizon...

We walked a little more than a kilometer along this avenue, the closest to the sea...

And we continued to search with restless lenses for that which would amaze our eyes and could become an image.

Where the road leaves the sea and begins to follow the river, we stopped at the Rio-Mar Recreation Center to have a snack, rest our legs and cool off from the heat of the tropical sun.....

Following the street next to the river, we arrive at the jetties. Every coastal town has boats for fishing. This is one of the typical activities of Playa Baracoa, famous for its fish sales.

This place under the bridge served as a shelter from the strong sun. The drawings on the walls were made by German and Cuban artists, including the children who attend our Visual Arts workshops at the Casa de la Cultura.

Then we went up to the top of the same bridge, which we used to capture images of the river and the city from a higher perspective...

That's as far as the tour went and we started our way back. Other activities were waiting for us in the center of town...

The opening of the exhibition of photographs from previous events was scheduled at the soup kitchen for vulnerable people. This is a space that brings art closer to the inhabitants.

We then went to the Finquita del Arte classroom-workshop. This is actually the headquarters of the Foto Safari. And if you want to see the preparations for this event, read my previous post:

There we enjoyed the premiere of the documentary "Nihili" by Luis Dominguez, a young filmmaker, student of the University of the Arts, which addresses the sense of belonging to the community from the reflection of an inhabitant of the...

To crown the intense morning day, we enjoyed a tasty lunch, made especially for us by Chef Alejandro that were also immortalized in photos....

The first day of the Safari came to an end. Some were preparing to return to their homes, others were sleeping on the grounds of the Finquita del Arte, and some, like those in this photo, were already plotting to promote the Photo Safari in the newspapers and on television.
It was an intense but harmonious day, the often lonely art of photography became a communal joy.

Wait for my next post where I will tell you about the experiences of the second day of photographic moments in our Photo Safari...chaooo..!

All images are mine. Taken with my Motog82 cell phone.

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