Real winter

I don't know how today's Saturday was in your country, but in our country, in the heart of Moravia, it snowed almost all day. So actually, normal December weather.

On the one hand, it's artistically interesting. Snow on tree branches makes interesting structures. And it's certainly appealing to viewers from parts of the country that don't have snow.

On the other hand, perhaps drivers don't often appreciate this beauty.

Nevím jaká byla dnešní sobota u vás, ale u nás, v srdci Moravy, sypal sníh skoro po celý den. Takže vlastně normální prosincové počasí.

Na jednu stranu, je to výtvarně zajímavé. Sníh na větvích stromů dělá zajímavé struktury. A jistě je to přitažlivé pro diváky z končin, kde sníh nemají.

Na druhou stranu, třeba řidiči tuto krásu často neocení.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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