What goes around, comes around.

In this case the weather, as tomorrow the sun will shine again.

I keep my eyes on the mountain peaks, waiting for a bird to fly into the zone.

I will also show you some real moody sights in here as we go along. Regarding the title of the post, "What Goes around, comes around", the lesson is to be found in nature, as bad weather will always be replaced by good weather. It is exactly the same in our lives, as a bad problem will be replaced by a good problem and visa versa. The problem with some of us, is that we are so bombarded with bad problems, that we don't appreciate the good problems. I call them good problems, as the negativity that poisons our minds results in us also seeing the good as problems. We always expect the worst. But it need not be so.

The battle was to keep my camera screen dry, but I managed as you can see here below.


Another flock of birds in the zone, and in this kind of light I don't know what they are. Maybe a flock of chickens :)

That looked like a huge big bird, coming in to sit on the mountain.


A bird of prey, it could be an eagle or a falcon, or a buzzard.

Some figures in the clouds in the three pictures below, and maybe your imagination can tell me what you think they are.



Finally, the starlings sat in the treetops, waiting for the rain to pass all facing into the wind.

Rain, hail, snow, or sunshine does not bother me as I am out there with my camera. I dropped the poor thing a couple of times, and it is a wee-bit wonky now, but it still works, and I think that it wants to keep me happy. Not a soul around, and only me and the elements. Humor keeps me alive, as I like to make people smile, simply because I know that not one of us are without one or another problem. A smile can work its stress relieving magic, even if it is just momentary. Kindness costs nothing and we all make mistakes, but there is no need to allow our mistakes to rule our lives with regrets and bitterness.
These are the kinds of things that I think about when I am alone out there.

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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