What a day...

...skies dressed in clouds, rain showers, night sights and the moon.

The sun tried to form a halo, but the clouds covered it.

The sharper colors of the aborted halo informed me that heavy rain was on its way.

We didn't know what was waiting for us as the day progressed, but a late night occurrence forced us out to drive in the rain. I really don't like to drive in the rain, but at times I have to, and then it's a dicey affair. I am a good driver, but when the roads are slippery, one has to have eyes in the back of one's head to watch out for the other drivers. We have many first time drivers with illegal driving licenses, and accidents are plenty here.

So, here below, the sky was still cooking the brew, but we expected the rain to show up soon.

The Starlings also expected the rain, and they rushed for cover.

Yep, and then the first drops started to fall.

Alas! We discovered that one of the pills that I have to take every day had run out, and so we had to drive out to a chemist at a large shopping center. The first time that this has happened, but no panic, as we got into the car and the two shots below will show you the roads in the rain.



Then we arrived at the shopping center and while my wife went inside to the chemist to get a new batch of the pills, I took some shots from a balcony of the building.

Amazing colors, and you can see the sea behind the last line of the buildings at the back.

There on the horizon is the back side of the famous Table Mountain.

A closer look at the mountain.

Finally, the light in the sky played the game with me, and you can see the hidden part of the moon. Normally one can only see the bright strip of the sickle moon.

Like I said in the title, what a day. So many unexpected issues can suddenly occur in our lives, but if one learns to stay calm then many of those issues can be solved peacefully. No need to shout or to cry, as when one remains placid, many of those issues can be easily solved. Yes, it was raining, but no problem as we knew the solution. Also, no need to blame anyone, as these things happen from time to time, and one learns how to handle them. In my younger days I was a biker, and the rain meant nothing to me, especially on the hot days, as I loved to drive in it, but nowadays, as I am a bit advanced in age, it has become a problem.
Such is life.

A happy Friday to all, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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