Waiting at a hospital.

Now what kind of photos can one get at a hospital?

A patient was about to be released and she asked us to take her home.

So, while my wife was inside, I walked around to see what I could get on camera. Now prior to the patient's release, they have to wait for the morning doctor to arrive, as he has to sign the release form. Then the patient had to go to the hospital's pharmacy and wait in a queue to collect her medicines. Finally, about 2 hours later I was glad to see them emerging from the main entrance. The patient was pushed along in a wheelchair by an orderly, and my wife carried her bags Now I don't know too much about the kind of operation that she had, but I think that it had something to do with her gearbox. Save it to say that we took her safely to her home.
Let me show you some photos that I got while waiting outside.

The two photos below were taken on our way to the hospital, and you will see a real moody weather day.


And now we were at the hospital and I took the photos in the car parking grounds.

The sun tried to break through a swirl of clouds but the cold wind kept it covered with clouds.

I heard a helicopter towards the west, and I thought that it would come in to land at the hospital, but no, it stayed in it's line of flight towards the south.

Then a palm tree jumped in front of the helicopter to spoil my shot :)

After dropping the patient at her home, we took a roundabout way back, and I want to show you how finicky the weather was.
This was a look at the southeast.

And the last two photos were in a northeast direction.


Light and dark interplayed consistently, and the clouds was driven by demented winds at speed. Constant color changes, and then finally the heavy rainy clouds arrived to eventually drop everything into a wet darkness. We have had heavy rains here in the past weeks and it seems that it will continue for another few weeks. Many areas were flooded, and I think that during the winter seasons, we should all park our cars and use boats to get around. Only joking, but yes, things can get very wet here lately and the word is that the storms are getting progressively worse every year.
We will just have to bear with it.
Such is life.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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