The new Supermoon is called Hunters moon.

And the strange thing is that this moon will stay full for 3 days.

Normally the full moons only last for one day, but not this Hunters moon.

As you can see in the photo above, I climbed onto the roof just too late to get the moon rising behind a mountain peak. But the problem is that I have now started to shake, and I have to go about very slowly. Not that it bothers me, as I can still get what I want in nature, such as this 3 day moon.

So what's the story about this special Supermoon?

The upcoming full moon, the Hunter’s Moon, will appear this coming Thursday, 17 October 2024, at 13:26. Markedly, it will remain full for about three days. Since the Hunter’s Moon will be visible globally and South Africa’s location in the Southern Hemisphere does not obstruct its view, it should be clearly visible from the country.

It is important to note that the upcoming full moon has multiple names. The Hunter’s Moon is a centuries-old name for the full moon that immediately follows the autumnal equinox and the September Harvest Moon that accompanies it, which signals an acceleration in the hunting season, according to CBS News.


There is a series of videos in the source link that explains all about this special moon.

I liked the way that the colored cloud came drifting over the face of the moon.


Although this is beautiful, and the last Supermoon of the year, this full moon is also dangerous. There is a warning out for rough seas as the moon set off a Spring tide, and the waves are much higher and rougher than usual. So, imagine this, beauty and danger combined.



And then it was darkening fast and time for me to get off the roof but look how warm the mountains still look after the sun's rays completed the day with a beautiful sunset.

I also took a few sunset photos towards the West.




And this little guy sang the evening song, warming his belly in the last of the sun's rays.

So, there you have it, and this is my take on the issue of this beautiful hunter's moon. The sad thing is that this was yesterday, and today the sky is solid cloud. So, on day two I cannot see the moon, and I can only hope to get it again on day 3. Maybe Mother nature will relent and open the skies for me tomorrow. This is always a worry every full moon, while waiting for the moon to rise above the Hottentots mountains near us. Many times, the clouds keep it hidden as it shows itself above the mountain peaks. But, like the little sunbird male singing praises to his Creator, so too do we sing with hope in our hearts. And we remain thankful for each new day and the breath in our bodies.
A beautiful week to you all.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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