Sunday is a fun day.

So, what does a squirrel, a dog and a bird have in common? They are all clever and beautiful. Let me show you.

I saw a little squirrel below an artwork statue. Now what was it doing there?

Please note that I am in hospital this Monday and Tuesday and I have scheduled posts for the two days. I will catch up on all replies when I return.

As we pass through the reception areas of some wine farms, on our way to the mountains, I always keep an eye out for some special sights.
Today I have assembled some of the sights for you to enjoy.
The false god Mammon is in control of our world, and one has to step out in order to keep one's sanity. Life goes on all around us and quite often we miss seeing the other side of life.
Come and have a look.

I waited to see what the squirrel was up to. They are always up to something.

Oh how cute! The little one was thirsty and taking a drink.

Now for something else.

Helloo, have a look at our pram.

Hey, hey, hey they started barking.

Brother, we hope that you don't have an idea to join us in our pram, as there is no space. This is our pram, so go and get your own.

The passer by with the black doggy left and look how happy these two were, as all was well again.

And finally some hungry and clever birds.

Some ladies were having a chat whilst standing with their backs to their table. So the two starlings came down to inspect the scene. The female hopped on to a lady's handbag. And she said:
Psst Larry, do you see what I see?

She then flew up into a tree and Larry popped up onto the back of the chair to see if the ladies were still busy chatting.

Bingo! Larry grabbed a piece of cheese and then he was out of there.

I don't know how long the ladies still stood chatting there, but I can guarantee that if they stood chatting like that for a longer period, then all of the cheese on their sandwiches would have disappeared into thin air.
Larry will be back and he will bring some of his cousins along :)

Now these are the things that I regard as ordinary life. Real life.
The squirrel was thirsty and he took a drink. When we go out and we get thirsty, we have to buy a drink. The doggies can take a drive in their own free pram with a chauffeur and we have to pay to drive our own cars.
The birds are hungry and they grabbed some free cheese that a lady had to pay for if she wanted cheese.
So where did we go wrong? Nothing in this world is free for us anymore and instead we have to slave to earn our keep.
Just some idle thoughts here.

And That's All Friends.

Photos taken by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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