Some power landscapes.

A battle of light and dark in the skies.

In silence, this new cold front was making its appearance.

We have now had a series of cold fronts landing in succession here, and each of them carried their individual damages with them. I am glad to say that all of our dams are full, and in fact some of them are overflowing. Now this is never a good thing, as the residents below the dam walls have to evacuate in order to save their lives, and the overflowing causes many farmlands to be swamped by water, wiping out the crops in the lands. The result is that food security might be endangered, and the farmers face many hardships to recover from. A warning went out for us to expect damaging winds, but they have not yet appeared, and we will have to be on guard, as this could be a nasty baby that nature delivers to us.

I will let the photos tell you their own stories.



A family of Hadeda Ibis birds fled to a hiding place.




A lighter moment allowed me to show you some lovely aloes.


Nowadays everything seems like a battle, as some wildfires also made an appearance here in our country, and bad news hogs the media headlines. So many opinions are aired, and it can make one's head spin. But there's also always hope that things will settle down sooner or later, as it always does. That's why I walk around with a smile on my dial, in an effort not to surrender to the conditions. Now, as I look through the window the sky is dark, and the cold is settling in. It should be like this as July is our coldest month of the year. So, I can say that currently the weather is the same as the Hive price, by fluctuating every day:)
Such is life and we will simply tough things out.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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