Seems there was a red and white craze in the 60s

Known as the hippie years and I am glad that I was alive in those years of total freedom.


Look how nice this old Citroen car's colors matches the shop sign above :)

A Happy Sunday to all and we are late for a meeting, but I have to do this first. Now this is no longer the 60's, but I discovered two relics today of those years that brought back fond memories, including multi colored cars, to my mind. We were rash and had much fun, and of course some of the greatest music was done during that time. Long hair and bell-bottom pants were in vogue and so many smoked happy twak (marijuana).
It was a wonderful time of freedom and Woodstock is remembered by so many to this day.
Come and see the two original cars.

First up, is a little Citroen and I think I told you the cars were in original condition.



And here we have a Volkswagen Beetle, also in a red and white setting, and also original.


Amazing, isn't it. Now in the year 2022 to see the cars that brought so many happy memories to us. I was so lucky to find these two examples in two different places, and I wonder how many more of them are still running around. We still have many of the old cars on our roads here, and I have posted some before. Even a truck from the 20's and I will continue to post others as I encounter them.
Do you perhaps have a red and white car in original condition that you want to show us?

So glad that I could get this, and I hope you have enjoyed the photos.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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