Saving a little life.

Now you might think that it's not important, but to us every little life is important.

A tiny little thing and she almost stepped on it.

Look what I found, she said with delight in her eyes. A small little baby field mouse and it was a real cute little thing. My wife is forever going about looking at the little things in nature when I am walking around and taking photos. At some places that we visit the animals know her and she always has something in her bag for them. The same with the street people, as she keeps food for them in the luggage compartment of the car. Some appreciate it and others throw the food away, saying that they want money. At first, we were shocked about this behaviour, but now we have come to accept it. We don't hold it against them, as to each their own.
Any case, come and look at what I have in here.




Snuggling into the warmth of her hand for a time.

And then it had enough and wanted to go, so she placed it at a safe place.

Look how happy she was at the thought of helping the little one.

Then she found some leaves and asked me to show their beauty to you.

The last of the lovely old autumn colors, as winter is now beating the drum here.

Finally, just to show you how the mountain was balancing that huge cloud.

We go everywhere together and sometimes we walk very far apart, as she likes to forage, and I like to wander aimlessly around, keeping my eyes on the sky. We are different in this aspect, but we respect each other, and each is free to do their own thing. But in times of trouble, we stand together as one. It is as it should be.
It is not easy in the charity world, but after working in it for so long, we have gained much experience that now helps us to know exactly what to do during some haggard situations. Oh, and we also know a scam story when we hear one :) I can tell you that times are dire over here, especially due to the lack of employment and people are desperate to feed their families and to stay alive.
But we do what we can, and such is life.

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge Camera.

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