Quick weather changes.

We are totally at the mercy of nature and nothing that we can do about it.

The first 4 pictures will show you how strong winds can change the views within minutes.

Yes, mankind is to blame for the deteriorating circumstances in the weather across the world. Icebergs are melting, and as we have the Atlantic Ocean as a neighbor, tons of water cascades down from the heavens to create many damages. Even if we stop pumping toxic gases into the atmosphere, the brains reckon that it will be too late to stop global warming as the damage is done. Have a look at how nature is wrecking the countries in Europe, Asia, USA, Africa, and even Russia. We had ample warning years ago, but profit rules and we just ignored the warnings. Now we have to pay for it, and it is going to get worse day by day.
In any case, let me show you how quickly the weather changes here, as the Cape of Storms is known for that.




Then it was dark, in the morning, and check the Pied Crow below's actions. He sat at the top of that tree, like a rock star. One foot on the stage and one foot on the top.

Bang! There he went.

Then the sun made its reappearance in its battle with the clouds, and it was light again.

And the two photos below were what I took at the spot where I was standing to take the weather changing shots.


Check this crown out, as we arrived back home.


So, it is when I say that we are to blame for the damaging weather patterns. We only have ourselves to blame. There is just so much rubbish pumped into the air, rubbish thrown into the rivers and seas, rubbish dumped into the ground, rubbish put into our foods, rubbish spewed into our drinking water...so much rubbish everywhere. Nature suffers under our rubbish and bad habits. The environment struggles with our neglect of it, and due to our selfish activities. Humans are mostly not good stewards of nature all around us, so we are reaping what we have sown.
Even if we try to make good choices in our immediate vicinities, we and our gardens are still flooded with spray drift that we breath in, and even feel on our skins from our selfish neighbors, governments, and farmers who insist on spraying poisons on to their gardens, pavements, parks, and farms. We may recycle and try to preserve and save, but others continue to dump sewerage and chemicals into the oceans. And what about all the plastic everywhere?
The snowball keeps gaining momentum and rolling. That is how it is with us humans.

I hope you have had some food for thought with the words and pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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