Playing with the two ends of a rainbow.

I can never figure out which side of a rainbow is the start and which side is the end :)

But with luck (patience), I could get some birds crossing in the colors.

We have all seen pictures of aspirant rainbow starts and I decided to do something different. My zoom worked overtime, as I wanted to add some of Mother nature's art into the pictures. An icy wind and low light at times made things a bit difficult at times, as it is winter here now and I think that the strong winds take a great pleasure in whipping me around.
But be it as it may, I think that the pictures did not come out so badly.
You can tell me below if you agree that the pictures were okay for sharing.

The birds flew with loud calls that I could even hear at a distance. They were four Hadeda Ibis birds, and many people hate their calls early mornings when they wake them up :)

A lovely shot here that I took over a pear orchid at the bottom front.

How's this below for timing?. I waited for the bird to fly over the tip of the rainbow.

Right, now here was the other end of the rainbow.

And a closer shot of the picture above.

Just another picture of the left-hand side of the rainbow, as that cloud drifted over it.

And finally, this was the distance from where I took the photos. You can see that the rainbow had nothing in between its two legs :)

Here to end the post is a lovely old giant oak tree showing off its stark winter colors. The sun was hiding behind the tree :)

I was so hoping that the clouds would fill up the empty space between the two legs of the rainbow, but not to be and the one thing that I know, is that I will get a full rainbow still during this winter period. Earlier, in-between the cloudy times we rush out to go and sit in the weak sun, but as soon as one starts to feel warm a cloud floats over the sun and it sprinkles us with fairy rain. Fortunately, it keeps most of the people indoors, and it is only the hardy nature souls that drift around outdoors.
To have all of this to one's self, is a very precious gift.
Not that I am selfish, but I feel more at peace when I am alone in nature. A person needs these periods to reflect and to release the stresses of life. The beauty also strokes one's soul.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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