Not what you would expect.

Twilight time with a difference, as this is a story about high ambitions.

Now so many of us are planning or dreaming of flying high in this new year. To have great successes in whatever it is that we do.

Many times, we try to follow a set plan in the hopes of reaching great successes and then the unexpected happens, which sets us in an even better direction. This happened to me a few times in my life, and that's why I don't make plans anymore. I just continue, simply, to do what I do, and the guidance comes by itself. Many time I have burnt my fingers and many times I have reached the top. The pictures below will give you an idea of what I am talking about.

I think that this goose was on his way to the moon.

He just continued to fly straight up, higher and higher.

But then, nature decided to turn the goose as nature knew he would run out of oxygen.

Now how is this for a plan to turn the goose around?

Oh yes, we all want to fly high, and this sparrow below is a perfect example.

Life is what it is, and I have learned to be grateful for all of the beauty that I see every day.
Such as the clouds dancing in the winds.

It's essential for us to learn to expect the unexpected, and then we can climb better. Nothing is impossible.

Life is also short, a mere breath, and we should not waste it.

I have tried to show you what the pictures mean to me, and I don't expect it to mean the same to you, because of the differences between us as human beings. But, I also believe that one's perceptions can help others to improve their own lives. All that I really want to say here, is that if you are making any plans, then take care to always leave a space for the miscellaneous, as nine out of ten times the unexpected can take place. So, if you plan to fly high to the moon like that goose, beware of what may arrive to turn your plan into a better direction.
Just some basic and simple wisdom.

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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