Look how lovely the Malachite Sunbird is.

One can only stare in awe at the beauty of nature.

The early morning sun certainly highlights the bird's colors.

Slowly the yellow Protea Pincushion flowers are opening now, and it makes a lovely contrast with the red pincushions. We have many sunbird species here, each with their own beauty, but the malachites and the doubled-collared species are my favorites. The one for its colors and its long tail, and the latter for its lovely songs.
I also have some other birds in action to share with you in here, and so come and enjoy nature with me in the post.

Here below you can see the lovely contrast between the yellow and the red pincushion flowers. The Malachites (Nectarinia famosa) love these flowers.




Now I will show you the take-off of a Red-winged Starling (Onychognathus morio).



And here below were two Pied crows (Corbus albus) arguing about territory.




So, yeah, never a dull moment in nature over here, as one just has to know where to look for the action, and the bonus in nature is that one can sit in beautiful surroundings to meditate on life and the wonders of our Creator. Sadly, the world is in a mess, and one sees and hears such horrible stories that it can really drive one mad. Just a brief glimpse on the internet shows up murder and mayhem, and ugly stories about the death of women and children. Greed and pride rules and so many innocents get killed. So, the only succor that I find is in the open arms of Mother nature.

On top of all of this is that I have just been diagnosed with a new virus that has started to appear over here, and it is called the Bacterial Gastro infection. So, stomach cramps and very little sleep is the order of the day. The doctor gave me another handful of pills to drink, and the world is not a very nice place to be in during this painful episode.
But such is life.

I hope that you enjoyed the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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