Kermit the frog paid us a visit.

Once we found him under the shower mat in the bathroom. He is a toad.

Maybe he wanted a lift somewhere, as today I found him near our car in the garage.

I am happy that I saw him on the garage floor, as if he sat under the car, then he might have been flattened. We have all kinds of nature's residents here, and a friend even protects the area around a 2-meter mole snake. I will ask him to send me a photo to show you. In any case, we are very careful when we go out of the house in the mornings, as one can never know what awaits one outside. Sort of a jungle, or a zoo here, as we are next to a river, and during storms when the river runs wild, the animals and the insects invade the surrounding residences.

Beware, not all frogs and toads are harmless, so please make sure that you know the differences by Googling the frogs and toads in your area!

How's this for a one-handed shot, as I saw this Painted Lady landing on a flower at the front garden while holding Kermit gently with my other hand.

Right, now I asked Kermit to hold still in my hand while my wife was trying to remove some growth from his front leg. You can see her fingers plucking the growth in the tag picture.

I think that Kermit was molting, as it was old skin on his leg.



So, I put Kermit back under the Pelargonium plant where he lives.

I felt somebody was watching me with Kermit, and there he was. It was Joe, the Cape Skink lizard.


Hahaha, Joe was scared as he thought that I would also come and pick him up to show him to you. But no, I only winked a good morning and left him alone.

So, it was a reptile morning, and maybe I should place some "NO ENTRY" signs up for the reptiles to read. The signs would have to be in reptile language, and I only know bird language. Maybe someone that reads this post will know reptile language and would tell me how to spell no entry :)
In any case, life goes on here, and our adventures continue. I live in my own world, apart from all of the noise, and nature is my playground. What I have found is that the more I appear in some places, the more nature's residents get used to me, and then they start to show themselves. Wildlife is not stupid, and they know when danger is around. So, I go about easy and slow in a non-threatening manner, and soon they start to talk to me.
Such is life.

I hope that you enjoyed the story and the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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