Beauty not seen every day.

Some of our birds are still playing the mating game so late in Autumn.
This guy excitedly flared, as his girlfriend came past. She is there at the bottom of the picture, and sadly I could not get her also into the full frame.

It had been raining 30 minutes ago, but now the rain has stopped, and sunlight flashed through the gaps between the departing clouds. This is one of the best times to be outside, as the air is filled with fresh auras and the birds emerge from their hiding places, full of new life.
I love the smell of damp earth, and nothing can bring that smell out as good as rain can. So, with a spring in my step, I wandered about, and will share some of my views here with you.


The girlfriend disappeared, and I think that she wanted to play a game of hide and seek, as you can see the Cape Robin-chat fellow sitting now and peeping around.


Evidence of the rain as the Periwinkle flowers were covered by the raindrops.


A lovely old window frame, with the little shutter boards made me look twice, as I thought that I saw a movement.


Yep! And there the movement appeared, as it was a little Southern Double-collared sunbird checking if the rain had wet his suit.



A lovely look at some raindrops on the flower of a "Christ Thorn Cactus" in our garden.


Now here was another Southern Double-collared sunbird, sitting on the top bar of a sliding gate.


He was watching me and decided to give me a nice pose.

"All aboard", the crow train driver was shouting, as he was anxious to leave the station.

Like instantly closing a tap, this is how our rains take place lately. One moment it is raining, and the next moment it's not. But one has to be careful, as quite often I get caught out thinking that the rain had stopped, but then one water-laden slow and lazy cloud comes wandering over wetting me to my skin. Especially when I am happily walking around in the freshness, clicking away at some sights like you see in the post here.
But I don't mind, as it is fun to be outside, and you can see the result. Sights like this put me in a very good mood, and a bit of wetness is not going to spoil it.
Such is life.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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