At last, the miracle took place.

My wife will feed anything in nature, from ants and snails to elephants :)

But this was going to be a tough one, as she always tries her best to feed the chief.

Now the chief is a cheeky bugger and he rules the chicken flock with an iron claw (fist). So I am in his bad book, as he even chased me around a few times when the little chicks were around. My wife is in his good book, as she always gets some small bags of pips from the little shop on the farm, and then she feeds the chickens. Oh, and yes, she also gets carrots to feed the goats and the rabbits. She also gets some packets of maize pips for the geese and so on, and so on. Did I tell you that she loves her feeding habit?

She has always wanted to get chief up close to her, but he is a wily character that brooks no nonsense :) In this picture below, you can see the chief at the front and his two rooster sons behind him.

As usual, the chief was playing hard to get, but then the miracle happened.

Look! Boldly the chief stepped up to my wife, and at first, I thought that he was going to attack her.

But no, she spoke in a soft smoothing tone to him in chicken language :)

Voila! Just look at that. The chief has succumbed to her whims, by starting to eat out of her hand.


See, he said to me, I love females and just you stay away, else I will kick your backside. :)

And then he proceeded to empty the hand that was offered to him.

Now, let me tell you that my wife was over the moon with happiness. Finally, she got that bugger to eat out of her hand, and in future I expect that it's going to be a rooster and female love affair, as he will feel very hurt if she doesn't have any food for him. I was happy to see the soft side of the chief and it just goes to show that even the hardest and coldest heart in life, has a soft side in it. The magic starts to happen when we allow the soft side to manifest in our actions. Especially when we deal with others, as every soul on this planet, has one or another hurt that only understanding and love can heal.
Such is life.

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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