A wonderful show.

Nature's art is at times too magnificent to explain.

I will walk your mind through some majestic views in here.

But first, I want to show you how an ordinary cloud changed into a masterpiece, and the artist was the sun. Many say that no flesh can paint like nature does, and I am inclined to believe that. I have seen so many intricate sunset clouds in my life and so many different designs and colors that were all stunning. Let me show you what I am talking about in this case.

This is the ordinary cloud that I am talking about, as I saw something about it that told me to get to our high spot for the sunset.

This is the same cloud later, and just have a good look at it.

This below was when we arrived at the high spot. This little seaside village is called Gordon's Bay.

Now, let's have a look at the progress of the sunset.


Later, the sun started to hide behind the mountain. That is the famous Tafelberg or Table Mountain not from the front side, but rather from the rear side.

So slowly now, things started to color up.

The sun was gone and watch that big cloud up top.


Later, the gold and the purple and the pink started to show.

And it all culminated with this shot below.

I can tell you that my camera, although it is a good one, cannot bring the full glory to these sights that the human eye can see. A maze of colors appeared in the sky, as the wind was up, and it also stirred the sea mist into the photos. So, it was all magical scenes. We are fortunate to live between the mountains and the sea and in the past, I have done many posts of the views on a clear day. Wide expanses of land can be seen from the high spot and due to the farmers raising different crops the colors of the lands keep on changing. It looks like a kaleidoscope of colors that creates a sense of peace and calmness within one, for us at least.
Such is life.

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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