A new coffee shop dicovery.

The amazing thing is that we discovered this one by chance.

What a view, as on the horizon, one can see the sea and the famous Table Mountain.

We saw this roadside sign, as it is next to the strawberry farm that we regularly visit, and so we decided to turn in and to go and investigate. What a pleasant surprise awaited us.
Come and see.

The place is called Cobwebs Cafe and Succulent Garden, and a surprise was to also visit the Golden Eye venue afterwards. My wife took a picture of the roadside sign on her phone, with the sunscreen over the window down. That is why we have all the lines in the photo.

Here below you can see an open part of the cafe where we decided to sit to have some coffee.

A lovely open area and while the wife and her aunt were waiting for the coffee service, I as usual took a quick walk around with my camera. My wife's aunt is the first visitor that we brought here, and we hope to bring many more to enjoy the place.

The sun was a bit too sharp to sit out here on the verandah, but my plan is to visit this view at sunset one day.

The sign said it is a succulent garden, and there were succulents displayed all over the place.

There is even a horse-riding school next to the venue.

I saw some seriously big succulents here. This is a Barrel Cactus with babies.

There is also a nursery on the premises, and all the plants are for sale to the public.

When the aunt saw this, she told me that she has many old empty cans and a soldering iron that she will give me to make her some Aardvarks (warthogs) like these.

There is also an art studio in the gardens.

Just a sublime view on the zoom at the rearend of Table Mountain.

Finally, that was the road of access and departure from the premises. I loved that line of wheelbarrow flowerpots.

It is said that we live in an agriculture-intensive area, and the pollens are also in overload here. Spray drift of pesticides on the lands is a real problem for us, and we call the problem running noses and sore throats. But we believe that something is in the process to ban the use of illegal pesticides. In the meantime, we really enjoy the freshness and new life of early spring season, and soon the summer will be here. We plan to visit this same venue with two of our friends on Hive, and I bet that they will also find it very exciting as we all love nature. I will also ask them to do their own posts of the venue, so that you can see more.

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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