The HIVE Tour - Episode 55 - Ways to spend time during shitty and not so shitty summer (?) weather

I don't like complaining so I (hope I) won't focus on the meteorological side of things here in South Netherlands, if you follow my posts you're aware of that. Funny things happen when weather is OK enough to be outside though. Like this:

Netherlands under attack? Of course not. It's just that every first Monday of the month they test their sirens. Impressively frequently to be honest. If I am not mistaken us Greeks do this once per year maximum. And I think we might be located in a more sensitive area than Dutches do.

Anyway, let's try to be productive since weather forces inactivity. Next task: clean the bottom of this pan:

You do this for two main reasons: efficiency and less smoke/smell while cooking. As you see I have a screwdriver waiting to help me get rid off this residue. However this is NOT the best way to do so. You have to be careful not to scratch the pan too much (I am) and regardless how handy you are you won't do as good job as a blow torch would. In other words, the key is to burn that stuff, similar how some ovens clean themselves by overheating. The thing is that I have no blow torch around so it's gonna be handmade.

Halfway I get the help of this spatula:

With a bit of patience I come to a point where most of the carbon is out and I don't start scraping the pan itself:

Here is part of the stuff I managed to remove:

Gross right? The cons of cooking without enough care to avoid such mess. Not me, others cooked with this 🙂

Did I mentioned miserable weather enough times or not yet? Well, as ancient Hellenes used to say "no bad thing happens without a good reason" so here is some rain art:



Rain diamonds 🙂 If you're lucky "after the rain comes the sun" and I grab the chance to walk out aiming to visit the well reputed bakery here. Even the buildings look excited to see those first rays of bright sun:


I think I'm close to it,

and yes! That's it:

When you get in here, do yourself a favour and buy this thing:

It's a cinnamon cake. A much needed weapon to avoid depression due to long time lack of Mediterranean weather.

I can't wait to get back home and try it out so I walk fast the cutely decorated street:


Time to open it up,

equip myself with the necessary cutlery,


Not sure how yummy are the mushrooms that grow on the lawn of this house though:



Actually I don't even know if they are edible (I guess they are) but I'll leave them anyway. They are too few and cute to cut them. Children of rain, thanks for beautifying the grass 🙂

Of course there's more cute factors around here except fungi. Like this guy here whom I have introduced to you already in my previous posts:


He really seems to enjoy his throne stroking it with his head repeatedly. Meanwhile, the ladies providing me with the freshest eggs possible daily are trying to get the most out of their given space, and beyond:

That's why you see this dark buffer zone around their fence. Since every being is experiencing some dolce vita on this first nice day in (quite a) while, I decide to join the party:

Cheers everybody!

Life is so sweet at this moment but... I think I have a stalker:

And it's actually a dove:

Hope you're enjoying your side of the world too, see you on the next one!

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