A New Year On Hive

It is the first day of a new year - very fundamental sentiment and opening sentence, I know but hear me out if you are so inclined.

I am seeing all these posts about

  • how was your 2021
  • what went well and
  • what could have gone better
  • what are your plans/goals for 2022

This is all good and great and while I love reading these posts - none of these topics are for me.

It is not that I am not goal-oriented, I'm a Capricorn after all soooo... but I have learned over the years that there are goals and there is 'doing'.

And as such - I will not make a goal or resolution come New Year's. Why would I? Just pick any other arbitrary date, set a goal and you're golden. It does not have to be 1/1/xxxx.

And then there's accountability - I know that being held accountable for something works for a lot of people, maybe most. Not for me.

I have tried it again and again. Be it with gym memberships or diets or 'you-name-it' - it does not work.

If I want out of whatever it is - I'm out. If I want in into something - I'm in.

That's just how I roll. Still, I wanted to have a post on my home on Hive on the first day of the new year 2022. Not to set goals or intentions or reflect back on 2021 but

to manifest that I am here on Hive, to stay.

If you want to call this a goal, a resolution - fine, maybe it is. Yet I didn't set it today but months ago. A date is just a number, you may pick any.

One other thing I would love is to connect, I mean really connect with some of you. I have been blogging previously on Web2 and made a few connections that actually reached into real life. It is these connections that I value above anything else.

Virtual friendships are very real to me

I hope that in the not too far future I will be able to really connect with some of you who read till the end of this post.

And that's the end of my New Year's ramble 😁.

May 2022 bring you all the joy and happiness and health and things you wish for - here's to a wonderful new year on Hive!!







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